Sunday, November 7, 2010


Was he an outsider
Nobody knows him –
Each day that comes
He is alone
Never knowing that
Tomorrow will bring standing here

The love he may fairly be
excise from everybody -
seems was he a burden or a pest ?
He who loves called him
an outsider

He just dying thinking of the Sunset
And take his mind
And its pain
And embrace in its hand

What shall he do ??
What shall he say ??
Left him with no helping hand
To take the days go away

Although were over gone our ways
He can’t help him but feel like this
And wach day that comes
He feel is alone
Stranded in an alienated world of injustice

Eyes explored for love -
His tears wet the heart of earth
The earth asked him - Why ?
The wind asked him - Why ?
The sun asked him - Why ?
He murmured –  an outsider - an outsider

He love everything that love likes -
He hate every thing that love hates -
But still he was an outsider –
An Unknown- Unknown- Unknown Outsider

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